Friday, January 16, 2009

The Singing Chef Speaks!

First of all, why the Singing Chef? Well, I like to sing, though I'll never become an American Idol (I'm too old, anyway), and I like to cook, so it's just a combination of the two -- it's no more complicated than that! I'm pretty complicated, though! Anyone who knows me will tell you that!

I don't particularly enjoy writing -- I can have a great thought in my head, but it seems I can't get the words to come out of my head, down my arm and onto the paper (or keyboard, in this case) and have it come out the way I thought it was going to! Even short e-mails become projects with me -- I keep rearranging words, paragraphs, etc. My daughter ( has a talent for writing, but she didn't get it from me -- she got it from my sisters -- there's just no doubt in my mind about that. However, I'm a real stickler for punctuation and grammar (though I'm sure I make a few mistakes in that area), so this won't be in the usual blog form (small i, etc), which freaks my daughter out whenever we chat online.

I know the blogging thing is really popular right now, but I resisted for many reasons, not the least of which is my tendency to not enjoy writing. Also, I thought "Who in the world would take the time to hear about my life? I can't imagine I'm that interesting!" But, (there's one of those grammar mistakes) while reading my daughter's blog, I realized that all it takes to do a blog is to write random thoughts -- and I have lots of those! And I do think some of them are funny, and I think I come up with things that other people don't think about!! Hey, a blog is a way to express those random thoughts! But you bloggers already knew that! The other reason is that I should be keeping a journal, and I don't, so this is a way of meeting that goal. So I guess it's up to you to decide if I'm interesting or not!

I hope I can be entertaining. Apparently, I do have some potential for this, as I always get positive feedback about our family Christmas letters that get sent out every year (sorry, we missed this year's letter -- hey, I didn't get to a lot of things this Christmas, so get off my back!) because those can be real yawners if you're not careful. So maybe I can transfer those abilities to this form of writing.

So I'll start with a random thought for the day. Actually, it's a rant. To Tom Hanks. Whom I know the rest of the world adores. But I don't. As a matter of fact, if you keep reading this blog, you'll find out about all of the liberal Hollywood lefties I have no use for. Because (and lately, this is my motto -- I have a lot of those too, just like Dave Barry), I am not an idiot. I don't follow popular culture like a blind fool. I don't like someone just because the media thinks he's cool. I have my standards, I have a strong sense of right and wrong, and I just don't get taken in very easily. In case you haven't noticed by now, I'm opinionated. And I like it that way. It's easy to be opinionated when you know what you know is right. And I don't make my mind up until I know I'm right. And then, it's pretty hard to sway me.

Tom Hanks says that Mormons are un-American because we don't support Proposition 8. Hey Tom, you make tons of money through your exploitation of Mormons from the show you produce, BIG LOVE (I have never watched an episode, by the way). It's no different than the stores that have "Holiday" sales and won't allow the words "Merry Christmas" to cross their employees lips to the customers -- customers you wouldn't have if it weren't for Christmas! Money you wouldn't be making if it weren't for the "C" word! So Tom, it's okay to make money off of us, use us when you need us, make fun of us with your stupid TV show, but don't even try to respect our beliefs. Hey Tom, guess what? Mormons go to see your movies. Mormons pay to see your movies. Mormons spend money on your DVDs.

Well, maybe it's time for Mormons to stop giving you money. There are two Mormons in this household who will never pay money for one of your movies again, and I hope my Mormon friends and those who support us do the same. I know it won't make a dent in your pocket, but standing by my principles is what makes me a happy gal. And you make it so easy, Tom.

I hope my next post will be shorter. I also have to look into putting pictures on this blog and all that stuff . . . Crap. What kind of project have I let myself in for?

Next post -- an update on "the chocolate bet" -- this is gonna be fun!

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